
Integrated Learning for Peace foresees the following activities:

Five Project PRs:

  • A Mapping study (Mapping Study) will offer an overview on the topic of the project and will determine the existing needs and the gaps in methodologies and competences related to an integrated formal and non-formal learning approaches in the field of peacebuilding education. Part of Mapping Study will be the “Key Competencies and methodology matrix” that will describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by peacebuilders as well as the methodologies that should be used for training future peacebuilders. The obtained matrix will provide the basis for the design of the online course (PR3) and toolkit for educators (PR4).
  • An eLearning Platform (PR2) which will back up the Online course (PR3). A userfriendly online registration procedure will be adopted to allow each user to take the different e-learning units of PR3 and keep tracking of their personal work.
  • The Online course (PR3). Partners will create an educational program in the forms of online course (PR3), which will provide young people important competences in the field of peacebuilding. The PR3 will include a number of different e-learning units for young people, corresponding to different relevant competences to be acquired (identified in Mapping Study). The PR3 will also go through a pilot testing that will take form of a blended learning mobility (C1).
  • The Toolkit for Educators (PR4) will provides a step-by-step guide to educators on how to develop skills, attitude and enhance young people’ knowledge by connecting a number of activities that are grouped according to their methodology and the Key Competencies and methodology matrix. The PR4 will also go through a pilot testing that will take form of a staff training event (C2).
  • The Alliance Roadmap (PR5) will be for those, whether they are academic and nonacademic educators but also government actors, who want to develop peacebuilding education in their region, but are looking for already “tried” ways of practical implementation.  The PR5 will present how formal and non-formal educational sector can cooperate for developing peacebuilding education based on ILP experience.

Two mobility activities (C1, C2). Following:

  • Blended mobility of young people (BM, C1) (month 13). The Blended mobility of young people (BM, C1) (30 participants) will happen in two phases (online and physical mobility) respond to the main objective to pilot the different e-learning units of the online course (PR3).
  • Staff training event (TE, C2) (month 21). The staff training event (TE) (C2) (24 participants) respond to the main objective to pilot the Toolkit for Educators (PR4) and so provide a proper assessment and feedback of the different techniques/methods in it.

Six multiplier events: The ILP partnership will organize six local conferences of 1-day each in all partner countries. Each local conference has the aim to reach the higher number of stakeholders, foster the use of PRs and overall impact. The final six local conference (E1 to E6) will take place in month 24 (project closure) for presenting all PRs.